The Trump Years (2016-2024)
I came of age in the 1960's in New York City, which was a center of anger and protest towards America's involvement in the war in Vietnam. In my early teens I would attend marches and protest rallies with my parents and friends, holding signs, chanting slogans, and raising our fists in the air in the hope that our actions would influence our government to end, what to us, was an unjust war. I was young, but taking a stand with thousands of other like-minded protesters made me feel I was part of a greater community, that our collective voice was making a difference, and that it was actually possible to effect societal change.
In 2017, the day following Donald Trump's Inauguration, I again felt compelled to join the thousands of protesters in the streets, documenting what turned out to be a global protest event, the historic Women's March. Numerous protests followed the Women's March as if the spirit of the Sixties had reawakened. The nation was making its voice heard once again, in Climate Change protests, the anti-gun March for Our Lives events, Impeach Trump Rallies, and with the end of Roe V. Wade, defend abortion rallies . I joined them all, both to take part in the cause and to document this new era of American discontent. As events were unfolding around me, I found it invigorating to be part of a community dedicated to positive change, and at the same time to be capturing photographically such a critical time in our nations history.
(For image data, click thumbnail and hover cursor over enlarged photographs)