Israel (1968)
I was Bar Mitzvahed in the spring of 1967 and a month later the plan was for me to travel to Israel. At the time, tensions in the region had become dangerously heightened and just a few days before my flight was to take off, the Six-Day War broke out and the trip was cancelled.
A year later, in the summer of 1968, I along with twenty five other kids my own age, boarded a plane to Jerusalem to begin two months of travel and a week of work on an Israeli Kibbutz. I remember very little from that trip to Israel, except for the light of the desert, the extreme heat, getting on and off of tour buses, and some weird kind of dare by some of my traveling companions for me to suck on a sock for $25 dollars.
It wasn't until fifty three years later, after scanning the negatives from that trip, that I was finally able to remember a smattering of details, and to relive a few of the moments that I had photographed so many years ago.
(For image data, click thumbnail and hover cursor over enlarged photographs)