
The website that you are about to enter is an autobiographical journey of my life, framed through the lens of photography. As a young photographer just starting out, I tried to imagine what a retrospective of the work that I would eventually create would look like, and when finally compiled, how it might tell the story of my time spent in this world. Fifty years later, at the ripe old age of 68, that retrospective has finally come to fruition with the completion, at least for the time being, of this project.

This website is immense and comprehensive, so before entering here are a few helpful suggestions for how to get the most out of your viewing experience...

Take your time and relax as you go through this site. It will probably take multiple viewings, so digesting just one or two categories a day seems a good way to go. Like reading a book with multiple chapters, I intended this website to be looked at in a linear fashion, so I would suggest starting with the Introduction and moving forward from there. In addition, I carefully considered the sequencing of the photos in each drop-down menu section. The best way to take advantage of that is to click on the first thumb in each section to enlarge it, and then view every image in sequential order by clicking the arrow to the right of the enlarged photograph.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. I hope you enjoy the ride!

-Joshua Touster 2022